The Boom & Bust Signal is an indicator developed by David Brown and Professor Nouriel Roubini based on both fundamental and statistical analysis that has been applied to different asset classes to measure the possibility of a market correction.
Is a Digital Signal (Buy/Sell), easy to read, that indicates when one asset class is Overbought (Red BOOM) and it is time to reduce the exposure to that asset class, or Oversold (Green BUST), and it is time to increase exposure to the same asset class.​
The Boom & Bust Signal brings to everyone in a simple format, and at a reasonable price a sophisticated analysis used by banks and hedge funds.​
The Boom signal can be also Orange or the Bust signal can be Blue to indicate that the asset class in question has started to become overbought or oversold, and the chances of a market correction have increased, but are not as high as with a Red or Green sign.

The Macro Analysis overlay is a valuable addition to the Signals, offering a comprehensive examination of both economic and geopolitical phenomena. By providing in-depth analysis, it helps to broaden our understanding and interpretation of these complex factors. This overlay provides a deeper perspective, allowing for a more holistic view of the data and facilitating informed decision-making.

You will have access to a powerful trading algorithm that effectively assesses asymmetrical risk and identifies favorable opportunities to adjust exposure in asset classes. When an asset class is oversold, the algorithm will suggest increasing exposure, and when it is overbought, it will recommend reducing exposure, thus increasing the likelihood of favorable outcomes. By utilizing these signals and the information we provide, you will significantly enhance your decision-making abilities and be better equipped to make accurate investment decisions and optimize portfolio allocations.

IIf you're interested in reaping the benefits of Signal and connecting it to your portfolio, we invite you to get in touch with us. Through our collaboration with esteemed financial partners, we can streamline and automate the entire process for you.